Сајмон Хупер, чиј прекар на социјалните мрежи е Father of Daughters, стана инстаграм-сензација бидејќи без разубавување, преку духовити фотографии, покажа како изгледа животот на татко со четири ќерки.

Тој има речиси милион следбеници кои ги обожаваат дневните фотоприказни полни со хумор, од кои ги изоставува разубавувањето и демонстрацијата на поимот „совршен родител“. Поминал прилично долг пат од 24-годишник кој немал поим што значи да се биде татко до денес. Реалноста во која секогаш е опкружен со девојките кои ги сака најмногу на светот го научила на важна лекција за татковството, феминизмот и еднаквоста. Сајмон живее со четири ќерки и со својата сопруга.

– Нашата куќа за брзо стана комуна на кукли кои имаат забрана за облекување и ја прифатија својата природна форма. Со други зборови, тоа е пластичен нудистички камп.

Покрај секоја фотографија има и кратка приказна:

За менувањето пелени во јавните тоалети


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Dads change nappies too: Apart from the ballsy women with bladders apparently the size of a old pea that barge into mens toilets to avoid the queue of cross-legged females snaking around the building, many ladies probably have no idea what goes on in the room marked ‘Gentlemen’. Well here’s the secret – it’s usually a lot of guys peeing into urinals trying to overcome stage fright, a couple of blocked toilets, a few broken taps, a floor that’s like walking on glue and occasionally a guy struggling to change their kids nappy – jacket laid on the toilet seat, on his knees in a cubicle, keeping the broken door shut with his arse. Why? Because, believe it or not, in 2019 many men’s toilets still don’t have changing tables. That means we either rough it in the men’s, use the disable one go alfresco (behind a tree / down an alley) or pass responsibilities to the ladies in our lives. This needs to change. And I’m not just talking about the nappy. Any dad’s out there with horror stories to share? Is your country better than the UK? I want to get legislation changed so can do what has to be done in relative comfort and hygiene! #changelegislationnotjustnappies #wetknees #dadschangetoo #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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За одењето в кревет


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So bed time went well this evening. Getting these 2 anywhere near ready for bed resulted in me feeling like I was wrestling with the exact thing they sound like in this video – multiple hyperactive chipmunks who had smashed off a massive canister of helium and were now high as kites. Probably didn’t help that they were loaded with sugar that they’d directly injected into their systems in the form of chocolate stolen from a tin that was one shelf too low to be safe from inquisitive hands. How far away are we from the weekend again? I don’t care if it’s Tuesday, pass me the gin…. I could make a drinking game based on this video – do a shot every time I say ‘No’ or ‘Stop’ – actually bad idea, I’d be hammered in under a minute. #chipmunks #alvinsimontheodoreonspeed #twins #bedtimewentwell #zerocontrol #heliumkids #fatherofdaughters #wheresmodwhenineedhere #dadlife #instadad

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За отпечатоците од стапалата во путерот


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Either Delilah is using the fridge to conduct climate simulation training for a nursery day trip up the north face of the Eiger that I don’t remember signing the consent form for or I’ve just caught the person responsible of foot prints in the butter & the constant vanishing of yoghurts, frankfurters, grapes, blueberries and cheese strings. This also explains why she always had a cold stomach and looks permanently guilty. Note to all fridge designers – I need a decent fridge lock and shelves that can’t be used and steps. Anyone got any bright ideas to stop the human fridge magnets that doesn’t involve gaffer tape? #coldweathertrainingsimulator #ohnoitsafridge #thisexplainsalot #gaffertapeperhaps #humanfridgemagnet #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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За косата и влакната


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As a guy, no one warns you that when you have daughters, you’re going to spend a good proportion of your future dealing with hair related issues. Growing up, the most my parents had to deal with was when I dumped an entire bottle of peroxide in my hair, turning it thr colour of the rising sun & burning my scalp like forgotten bacon in the process. But when you combine the facts that we have more hair in our house than a cousin IT convention, and that our girls have follicles with have no grip, you end up living with clogged drains, balls of hair placed around the house, nit epidemics, meals with a side helping of hair, endless brushing & plaiting (usually accompanied by screaming), hair brushes that are more hair than brush, vaccum cleaners that no longer work thanks to being bound with wads of the stuff and so many hair products that I’m now close to being forced to keep my sad little collection of out of date toiletries in a bag that hangs out the window. I’m strongly considering just shaving their heads in their sleep but realise they just end up looking like a bunch of juvenile offenders. #Haireverywhere #shavethekids #challengesofbeingsurroundedbywomen #hairalldaylong #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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За моментите за себе


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No, this is not a background extra milking their scene in some low budget B movie horror film. It’s the moment when I was getting headshots taken for my book & Ottie decided she absolutely positively couldn’t give me a moment to myself – transforming my moment, very much into her moment. Clemmie scooped her up seconds later & I can laugh at this now but it does remind me just how hard it can be to achieve the simplest of tasks when a wailing child is within close promixity – thanks @philippajames for catching the memory & exposing the realities behind the image you see in the book! (Click on the link in my bio to get a copy) #backgroundscenegrabber #stealingmymoment #zombietoddler #theimagebehindtheimage #parenthoodinapicture #foreveroutnumbered #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #fod #instadad

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